As I settle into the idea of blogging on a regular basis, and exploring all that has to offer, I thought I'd start with something simple. A list of things that I am loving right now. And one of them is Gala Darling, whose colorful and uplifting blog is a huge inspiration and home of the original Things I Love Thursday - check out her favorites as well as the links to other love lists . . .
Green Smoothies * My VitaMix Blender * Gala's Radical Love Bomb of a Workshop * Cuddling with my dog Paisley * Kris Carr and her Crazy Sexy Life * Brown Couch Cafe in Oakland * ee'meesh Organics Earth Goddess Body Spray - amazing and smells so good! * Finding my childhood bestie on FB * Reading in the February sunshine * Rainbow Grocery Co-Op * Watching the "Vegan Week" Episode of Oprah with a bunch of amazing Veg peeps @Harvey's in SF * Winning a copy of Color Me Vegan and a gift certificate to Cinnaholic - ooh dangerous! * Dreaming up Big Travel Plans * Well constructed garter belts * Birdsong outside my window *
Cute list of happiness!!!